Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Cobra 19 DX IV 40-Channel Compact CB Radio

The new style of the 40 Channel Mobile Compact CB Radio reflects the trends in new vehicle design with sculpted features and muted graphics which give it a dynamic look that will compliment any of today's vehicles. The compact design also allows easy installation into most cars and trucks.

Illuminated LCD Display allows high visibility and electronic tuner allows precise tuning of all 40 CB channels. Instant Channel 9/19 feature gives instant access from any channel to Emergency Channel 9 and the Information Channel 19.
Product Details

* Brand: Cobra
* Model: 19DXIV
* Dimensions: 7.00" h x 4.50" w x 1.75" l, 3.00 pounds


* New Compact design
* Instant Channel 9/19
* Full Function LCD Display

Customer Reviews

Compact, Inexpensive, Reliable5
I had this radio in my Dodge truck. It tucked nice under the dash and was a great performer. Power was good as well as reception. Great Buy!
Any CB you purchase is limited to 4 watts output power so dont let size fool you. ALL CB'S are limited to 4 watts due to FCC regulations, look it up!
The price on this site is high retail to say the least. I purchased this unit from Wal-Mart for 35 dollars.
This will not take up a bunch of in-cab space that you dont have to spare due to manual tranmissions and transfer case levers. It tucks away nice and doesnt get in the way.

Good basic unit for the money5
The 19 DX IV is a great little CB for the money. Yes, like a previous reviewer said, it does reset to channel 1 each time the power is cut, but....there's an instant channel 9/19 button. So with two little taps, your on 19, no big deal. This is a great unit for someone who just wants a basic unit to monitor highway conditions while travelling. It's also good for someone who wants to have a CB for emergencies but wants a step up from one of those useless emergency CBs like you used to see marketed a while back. Finally, yes, it's great for off-roaders who want a basic CB that can fit in the tight interior of a jeep or smaller truck. As with any CB, the antenna makes the big difference. Pair this with a Wilson Little Wil magnet mount antenna and you have a solid performing combo for routine CB use.

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Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Ciliwung Banjir Besar

BOGOR, KOMPAS.com- Hujan sangat deras di hulu selama dua jam sejak pukul 17.00 hingga 19.00, Jumat (12/2/2010), menyebabkan Sungai Ciliwung meluap di sejumlah tempat di Kota Bogor.

Keterangan yang diperoleh dari sejumlah warga Bogor, air Ciliwung bahkan sudah menyentuh jembatan Jalak Harupat, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan. Akibatnya, permukiman penduduk di kawasan Sempur dan sekitarnya dipastikan akan terendam. Saat ini warga sudah mulai mengungsi.

Banjir ini terjadi ketika di Kota Bogor sendiri hujan hanya gerimis pada pukul 18.00 tadi. Sehingga, banyak warga kaget atas luapan Ciliwung yang sampai saat ini masih terus meningkat.

Petugas penjaga pintu Katulampa, Andi, menyatakan, tinggi muka air di bendung itu sudah mencapai 2,5 meter pada pukul 19.00 tadi, dan saat ini kecenderungannya terus meningkat.

Selain di Sempur, luapan Ciliwung juga terjadi di kampung Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukasari, dan Warung Jambu.

Seorang warga Sempur, Yan, melihat muka air Ciliwung sangat tinggi, tetapi belum bisa memastikan seperti apa kondisi kampungnya yang selama ini langganan banjir. Diperoleh informasi, sebuah jembatan di sekitar Sempur bahkan nyaris ambruk. Sebuah jembatan di daerah Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, juga sudah ambruk.
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Jembatan Roboh dan Longsor di Bogor

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com- Selain banjir akibat luapan Ciliwung, hujan deras di kawasan Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, juga menyebabkan longsor di sejumlah titik, serta jembatan rubuh.

Informasi yang diperoleh, Jumat (12/2/2010) malam ini, longsor terjadi di kawasan Megamendung, di Kabupaten Bogor. Material longsoran hanya menimpa bagian belakang rumah penduduk, sehingga tidak menyebabkan korban jiwa atau pun terluka.

Longsor juga kembali terjadi di kawasan Karangtengah, Kecamatan Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor. Dua rumah dilaporkan tertimbun tanah, tetapi belum diketahui apakah ada korban jiwa.
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